Donation Forms

Grow your donor base with quick and easy giving

Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Donation Editor

Why Do Organizations Use Donate2 Forms?

They can create and customize unlimited forms, deliver a perfect donor experience, save time with our data integration, all while raising more money and growing their donor base

Create Unlimited Forms

Whether you build 2 or 200, every idea can have it's own form. There is no limit to the number of forms you can build so you can be creative, try a new approach, and do more with cart-free transactions.

Customized As Needed

One donation form does not fit all situations. With Donate2 Forms, each ask can be unique. Customize the ask amount, language, branding, and more to meet the needs of your specific audience.

Phenomenal Donor Experience

With Donate2 Forms, we make it really simple. The donor taps or clicks a link, your customized form loads, and payment is made. Words like delightful, frictionless, and intuitive are how the experience is described.

Comprehensive Data Integration

Every time someone has to use a CSV to get donor data from one database into another for reconciliation, we shed a tear. Donate2 transaction data ends up in all the right places with our automated integrations.

Grow Your Donor Base

We have seen upwards of 70% of donations come from first time donors. There are many that want to give and support your organization but haven’t yet. Remove the friction and meet the donor where they are with the ease of a Donate2 Form.

Raise More Money

Our forms work just as well for galas and special events as they do for everyday giving. Think about your long term approach and leverage modern fundraising tools that can be incorporated into everything from email, web, and streaming experiences, to mailers and more.

Feedback Driven Development

Our best ideas come from conversations with our users

Full Address Collection New

Collect address details on any form. You decide what's required or optional.

Additional Questions New

Gather more information with a question. Is this in honor of someone? Prefer to remain anonymous?

Transactional Email New

Deploy a receipt or acknowledgement letter to the donor when the donation is made.

Features & Benefits

Here's what makes our donation forms sing

Donations in under 10 Seconds

Donate2 Forms never leave your donors waiting. From the point a donation form is loaded to when the thank you page is displayed takes less than 10 seconds. That includes capturing the donor details and payment information.

Digital Wallets & Credit Cards

Automatically present your donors with the payment options configured on their device, like Apple Pay or Google Pay, in addition to standard credit card fields. Digital Wallets make the process faster and easier for the customer.

Recurring Donations

Monthly, quarterly, or yearly donations are just a drop down away. A recurring donation will automatically repeat on the frequency the donor chooses. This is the easiest way for your donors to make an ongoing positive impact.

Cover Cost

Give your donors the option to help just a little bit more. Cover Cost lets you add the option for donors to help cover transaction fees associated with their donation. You can customize the percentage added for Cover Cost that works best for you. You can apply a maximum cover cost amount at the form level. When donors are presented with the Cover Cost option, on average over 67.5% of donors use it.

Flexible Ask Amounts

Configure each form to deliver the ask amount just the way you want it. Donate2 lets you present the donor with a range of suggested donation amounts and a default amount to communicate what you’d like them to give. Using the “Other amount” option allows them to enter any amount up to $99,999.

Personalization & Dynamic Ask

Present a specific person with a specific ask: Stephen for $350, Sydney for $215, Mike for $865. Also, you can pre-populate the credit card form with the first name, last name, and email. Use URL parameters on a form link to personalize the text and ask amount or add your own parameters for even more personalization.

Titles & Labels

Showing that $200 sponsors a week of music camp helps make the donation tangible and can encourage donors to give more when they see the kind of impact it can make. Use titles and labels to provide more context and details on your form for a better customer experience.

Social Sharing Previews

Looks matter on social media. You can easily customize the rich preview (Open Graph Protocol) for each form. Anytime a link is shared on a social media platform or messaging app, the image and description you have selected will display in the preview ensuring your brand is represented accurately.

Marketing Opt-In

What a perfect opportunity for a donor to start their engagement. Present your donors with an opt-in checkbox and customize the language to meet your needs. We take care of updating your integrations, all in an effort to help you with GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and CCPA compliance.

Progress Bars

Show the impact. Use our goal bars to show donors what you're working towards. The Gift goal shows a progress bar for the total number of gifts generated by the form and the Financial goal shows the same but for a set dollar amount. Add one to a form for inspiration to join your cause!

Gift Aid UK Specific

For Tessitura Integrated accounts, when the donor selects the Gift Aid option, a Gift Aid declaration will be created for the constituent. Because Gift Aid is used by UK organizations only, it is only available for accounts created on our regional servers in Europe.


We’ve partnered with Stripe for industry leading payment processing. Additionally, we offer integrations with Twilio, Tessitura, Prospect2, ActiveCampaign, and Google. We also provide QRCode, a nifty QRCode generator built in to save you time!

55% to 80% of Donors Cover Cost

Meet The Managers

Branding, Service, and Communications

The Presentation Manager

Achieve cohesive branding and look good doing it. Think of the Presentation Manager template as a wrapper around your content or product.

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The Customer Portal Manager

Provide your customers access to a self service portal to manage their payment method for Memberships, Recurring donations, or Streaming subscriptions.

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The Message Manager

The right communications at the right time. Configure transactional messaging to communicate with your customers throughout the purchase experience.

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The Payment Manager

Schedule and deploy personalized Flex2 Payment Forms for the collection of unpaid orders in Tessitura.

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19% to 27% Use Digital Wallets

Where To Market Your Forms

Link to the perfect cart-free solution

Marketing & Transactional email

Signage on property

Free wifi with suggested ask

Direct Mail, Print & Brochures

Text to Donate, Stream or Join

Facebook, Twitter & More

QR Code: People use them now

On your .org .com .tv .anything

Kiosks, Digital Screens, In-Apps

Movers, Shakers & Influencers

Vanity URLs

Literally anywhere! Be Creative

“At Seattle Children’s Theatre we are thrilled with the way Donate2 has solved one of the biggest obstacles in giving—making it easy. For years we have heard complaints from donors as they have struggled through clunky giving portals, but with Donate2 the experience is seamless. The donor is able to give in a click or two, and the Tessitura backend is as easy as if they had logged it in directly themselves.”
Kevin Malgesini
Managing Director

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